Why IFV?

Why IFV?


Imams and religious actors are well-positioned to identify and respond to behavioral obstacles to vaccination by virtue of their positions of moral leadership. All religions values life in both the physical and spiritual aspects. Religious leaders play a great role in people’s lives. Their influence could be utilized in improving people’s lives by changing their perspective and their attitude towards issues they face daily. They may lack access to credible sources of information to formulate the required arguments, as well as the institutional engagement to influence social and behavioral change.

Religious Leaders are Trusted Messengers and Champions

Islam is a religion that values life in both the physical and spiritual aspects. Religious leaders and Imams play a great role in people’s lives. It is evident how they create a social order that could be utilized in improving people’s lives by changing their perspective and their attitude towards issues they face daily. Imams and religious scholars command a strong social influence on community members due to the access, authority and trust they have in their communities.

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